@book{oai:nichibun.repo.nii.ac.jp:00005967, note = {Contents List of illustrations Notes on contributors Foreword Preface Introduction 1 China's overseas trade policy and its historical results : 1522-1840 / SHI ZHIHONG 2 The golden age of Japanese copper : the intra-Asian copper trade of the Dutch East India Company / RYUTO SHIMADA 3 Inter-Asian competition in the fur market in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries / CHIKASHI TAKAHASHI 4 The Japanese acquisition of maritime technology from the United Kingdom / MASAMI KITA 5 Inter-Asian competition in the world silk market : 1859-1929 / SHINSUKE KANEKO 6 Inter-Asian competition in the sugar market, 1890-1939 / TAKASHI KUME 7 Rival merchants : the Korean market in the late nineteenth century / SOOYOON LEE 8 Tan Kim Ching and Siam "Garden rice" : the rice trade between Siam and Singapore in the late nineteenth century / TOSHIYUKI MIYATA 9 The Rangoon Gazette and inter-Asian competition in the intra-Asian rice trade 1920-41 / A. J. H. LATHAM 10 Japanese competition in the Congo Basin in the 1930s / KATSUHIKO KITAGAWA 11 Shifting patterns of multilateral settlements in the Asian-Pacific region in the 1930s / MASAFUMI YOMODA 12 Inter-Asian competition for the British market in cotton textiles: the political economy of Anglo-Asian cartels, c. 1932-60 / DAVID CLAYTON 13 An edible oil for the world: Malaysian and Indonesian competition in the palm oil trade, 1945-2000 / SUSAN MARTIN Index}, publisher = {Routledge}, title = {Intra-Asian Trade and the World Market} }